
Example Blog Post

example blog header - white red color blocks white desk


This is an example of a blog post.

The built-in text editor allows you to do every kind of formatting you'd expect from an editor. You can even edit the individual HTML of each blog post.

Woah gif

Yeah, we thought so too.

All this means though is that you have access to a fully-featured blog creation and content management system right within Simplero.

Are you already using Wordpress or a different platform for your content? That's okay! A lot of people are. We make it easy to import all of your…

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The Easiest Way to Build an Email List

We all know that the money's in the list. Your list of emails, that is.

Of course, it's not just about any old email addresses. It's about the email addresses of people that actively want what you have to offer, and that you have a relationship with.

But how do you build that list if you have nothing?

Facebook ads?

Google adwords?

Just put up a website or a blog and pray?


Speaking engagements and blast out your opt-in from the stage?

Yes, you can do all of those things, and more, bu…

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Stop Throwing Away Money

Do you wanna sell more? With the same marketing effort and ad budget?

What if we told you, you are leaving money on the table right now in your business? Wouldn’t you want to take every opportunity to make an extra sale? Did you know that you can do just that with a simple Upsell and Downsell using the products you already have?

When you have gotten your new potential customer to the order form and they're ready to buy, this is a great time to get them to up their purchase and buy one or m…

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